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  • Opetuksen tueksi | Sistema

    OPETUKSEN TUEKSI Tästä osiosta löytyvät Tempo-opas, TempoStart-aloituspaketti, TempoTools-valmennuskurssi, TempoMusic-nuotisto sekä Tempo-materiaalipankki, joiden myötä opit lisää Tempo-toiminnasta ja saat neuvoja opetuksen tueksi. Tempo-opas on tarkoitettu kaikille Tempo-orkesteritoiminnasta kiinnostuneille. Opas kokoaa yhteen Tempo-orkesterin taustoja, tavoitteita ja toimintatapoja. Lisäksi se tarjoaa käytännönläheisiä vinkkejä mukana oleville sidosryhmille kuten toiminnan järjestäjille, Tempo-opettajille sekä soittajien vanhemmille. Tempo-opas Lataa Tempo-opas TempoStart-aloituspaketti TempoStart-aloituspaketin tarkoituksena on auttaa uuden Tempo-orkesterin käynnistämisessä. Kokonaisuus sisältää keskeisiä aloitukseen liittyviä asioita sekä käytännöllisiä ohjeita ja apuvälineitä Tempo-opettajille jouhevan aloituksen tueksi. Lataa aloituspaketti TempoTools-valmennuskurssi ​TempoTools-valmennuskurssin voi tilata Tempo-toiminnan tueksi omalle paikkakunnalle. Esittelyvideoilla esitellään kurssin keskeisiä aiheita kuten Tempo-opas ja TempoStart-aloituspaketti, Tempo-toiminnan erityispiirteet, kansainvälinen El Sistema-toiminta sekä Tempo-orkesteriharjoituksen pitäminen. Tilaa valmennuskurssi TempoMusic- nuotisto TempoMusic-nuotisto sisältää keskeistä Tempo-orkestereissa soitettavaa ohjelmistoa. Nuottimateriaalien runkona toimii tasolta toiselle etenevät esitysvihkot joiden lisäksi nuotistosta löytyy myös muita Tempo-orkesterille sopivia kappaleita ja lauluja. Nuotistoon Tempo- materiaalipankki Tempo-materiaalipankista löydät opetuksen tueksi oheismateriaaleja, kuten tulostettavia Tempo-logo- ja Dino Stradisaurus-arkkeja, kielikylttejä ja lomakepohjia. Materiaalipankkiin

  • Take part? | Sistema

    Contact information Miten voin osallistua? How can I participate? Tell customers more about you. Add a few words and a stunning pic to grab their attention and get them to click. The This space is ideal for writing a detailed description of your business and the types of services that you provide. Talk about your team and your areas of expertise. Organizing activities? Tell customers more about you. Add a few words and a stunning pic to grab their attention and get them to click. The This space is ideal for writing a detailed description of your business and the types of services that you provide. Talk about your team and your areas of expertise. Toiminnan järjestäjäksi? To volunteer? You can also volunteer for Tempo if you have a Tempo orchestra in your area. We have a need for tasks related to the area and the orchestra, for example as an orchestra support person or in the care of sheet music and other organization related to orchestral activities. Extra hands for parent evenings and other events are also welcome. What is required of me? - Previous activities with children are an advantage, but not necessary. Retirees or the unemployed who are studying to work with children, among others in the pedagogical, music, educational, social and other fields, and who want to brighten up their day, are welcome! What is the next step? - Volunteers are selected through an interview. In the interview, we discuss your role as well as your own aspirations and motivation to participate. The organizer of volunteering orders a criminal record with the consent of the volunteer before starting the volunteering. We will guide you to the beginning of the activity. What does Tempo volunteering bring me? - As a salary, you get into the wonderful world of the best Tempo orchestras in Finland. For participation during the academic year, we issue a certificate of participation in Tempo volunteering. contact Vapaaehtoiseksi? INTERESTED IN THE PARTNERSHIP? WOULD YOU SUPPORT OUR OPERATIONS? We are actively looking for new partners and supporters. We offer lots of smiles and the joy of playing! You can also order us for a gig! contact Tue toimintaa

  • TempoTools-valmennuskurssi | Sistema

    TempoTools-valmennuskurssi ​TempoTools-valmennuskurssin voi tilata Tempo-toiminnan tueksi omalle paikkakunnalle. Esittelyvideoilla esitellään kurssin keskeisiä aiheita kuten Tempo-opas ja TempoStart-aloituspaketti, Tempo-toiminnan erityispiirteet, kansainvälinen El Sistema-toiminta sekä Tempo-orkesteriharjoituksen pitäminen. Tilaa valmennuskurssi

  • About the association | Sistema

    Contact information El Sistema Finland ry The starting point for Tempo is social, modeled on the Venezuelan El Sistema, a method of music education. The association increases the partnership between the children and young people involved in the activities and increases interaction between families. The goal is to support social growth and promote well-being by developing life skills such as self-confidence, caring for and valuing others, and finding emotional sensitivity. El sistema Finland ry is an umbrella organization for member organizations operating in Finland. The purpose of the association is primarily to act as an organizer, developer and promoter of playing teaching and orchestral activities for children and young people in accordance with system pedagogy nationwide. International networks in the field are an important part of TEMPO education and teaching. The association makes the activities known and, through orchestral activities and teachers, raises awareness for those interested in the field and promotes the use of social and art-based working methods. The purpose of El Sistema Finland ry's activities is to support the cohesion and interaction skills of children and young people from different backgrounds in an atmosphere that encourages them, especially through music, but also through other participatory activities. El Sistema Finland ry cooperates with various parties whose activities support children's and young people's playing teaching and orchestral activities in accordance with the system pedagogy through the joy and experiential nature of co-making. Become a partner and support our activities

  • Gallery & Blog | Sistema

    Contact information We are in YouTube TEMPO-ORKESTERIN 10-VUOTISJUHLAVIDEO Play Video 23.9.2021 Harrastamisen Suomen mallin verkostotapaaminen Play Video All Videos Watch Now Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Share Channel Info Close Anchor 1 IMG_2426_edited SMa_Tempo_orkesteri-1001_edited SMa_Tempo_orkesteri-1060 SMa_Tempo_orkesteri-2901 SMa_Tempo_orkesteri-2833 SMa_Tempo orkesteri -2295 SMa_Tempo_orkesteri-2787 SMa_Tempo_orkesteri-1074 SMa_Tempo_orkesteri-1001 SMa_Tempo_orkesteri-0977 SMa_Tempo_orkesteri-2690 SMa_Tempo_orkesteri-0957 SMa_Tempo_orkesteri-0967 SMa_Tempo_orkesteri-0961 SMa_Tempo_orkesteri-2740 IMG_2424 IMG_2426 IMG_2430 IMG_2438 IMG_2446 IMG_2449 READ MORE ON THE BLOG!

  • Member Page | Sistema

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  • About Tempo Orchestra | Sistema

    Contact information El Sistema Finland About Tempo Orchestra Tempo orchestras This is it Tempo is a low-threshold music hobby activity that aims to provide all children with the opportunity to play music equally and without entrance exams. Tempo wants to bring the opportunity to practice music and learn instruments close to children. The best way to do this is to take the hobby opportunity to schools and to school afternoon activities. Tempo's activities have been inspired by the activities of El Sistema, which has spread worldwide from Venezuela, but its operating model has been adapted to Finnish society. The starting points of the activity are communal and social, but at the same time high quality in terms of music education. Tempo-orkesterit Tempo Vantaa Tempo activities began in autumn 2009 as part of Vantaa's “Whole World in the Suburbs” project, which aimed to increase the interaction between immigrants and the native population in the immigrant-dense areas of Koivukylä and Länsimäki. At the end of the project, the Tempo orchestra activity was seen as so good that it was decided to continue it. Today, Tempo activities in Vantaa have become an established part of the music college's activities in cooperation with schools. There are no entrance exams to the orchestras and both teaching and instruments are free for students. Teaching includes two orchestral rehearsals and a 15-minute solo lesson during the week. Orchestral rehearsals are held after the school day. My own lesson is usually held during the school day. Currently, the Tempo orchestras have a total of about 130 players. More about Vantaa's Tempo activities: ​ Tempo Vantaa Tempo Oulu In Oulu, Tempo activities started in the spring of 2018 at the Kaukovainio school and in the autumn of 2018 at the Paulaharju school at the Tempo museum clubs. Tempo music workshop clubs introduce the various elements of music functionally and in a variety of ways, while preparing students for orchestral activities. The With the musical instrument collection campaign launched in the summer of 2018, musical instruments will be collected to start children's orchestra activities in Kaukovainio and Pauharju. The launch of the instrument collection campaign was a huge success, and during the summer we already donated more than 40 instruments to the Tempo activity! The instruments are still being refurbished and have already been introduced in museum groups at the Kaukovainio school. The instrument collection campaign continues and we are still collecting appropriately sized instruments for orchestras. The In Oulu, Tempo activities are carried out in cooperation with many parties. In Oulu, teaching activities are directed through Oulu College and co-operation is established with Oamk, ODL and the University of Oulu's music education training. Tempo Sistema Oulu ry. responsible for co-ordinating, developing and lending instruments. The Valve Cultural Center has provided strong guidance for starting operations. The Oulu Conservatory and the Oulu Sinfonia, among others, have also shown their support for the activities. More about Oulu's Tempo activities: Tempo Oulu Tempo Oulu In Oulu, Tempo activities started in the spring of 2018 at the Kaukovainio school and in the autumn of 2018 at the Paulaharju school at the Tempo museum clubs. Tempo music workshop clubs introduce the various elements of music functionally and in a variety of ways, while preparing students for orchestral activities. The With the musical instrument collection campaign launched in the summer of 2018, musical instruments will be collected to start children's orchestra activities in Kaukovainio and Pauharju. The launch of the instrument collection campaign was a huge success, and during the summer we already donated more than 40 instruments to the Tempo activity! The instruments are still being refurbished and have already been introduced in museum groups at the Kaukovainio school. The instrument collection campaign continues and we are still collecting appropriately sized instruments for orchestras. The In Oulu, Tempo activities are carried out in cooperation with many parties. In Oulu, teaching activities are directed through Oulu College and co-operation is established with Oamk, ODL and the University of Oulu's music education training. Tempo Sistema Oulu ry. responsible for co-ordinating, developing and lending instruments. The Valve Cultural Center has provided strong guidance for starting operations. The Oulu Conservatory and the Oulu Sinfonia, among others, have also shown their support for the activities. More about Oulu's Tempo activities: Tampere Tempo-pedagogiikasta This is it The Tempo Orchestra is a communal hobby, the starting point of which has been to strengthen the mutual partnership of children from many backgrounds through playing together. Schools have been selected for activities in areas where low-threshold recreational opportunities are needed. Over the years, Tempo has proven to be an “orchestra for every child” that everyone can easily access, regardless of background. The impact of the tempo orchestra hobby on the development of student friendships has been significant. Participating in a tempo orchestra has clearly strengthened students ’social interaction skills as well as motivation to go to school. Tempo promotes children's well-being through music and develops life skills such as concentration, attentiveness, self-confidence and the consideration and appreciation of others. The importance of schools as a learning environment for social skills is central to our society. The group dynamics created by collective play promote equality and attachment to the school community. Tempo is guided by the idea that every child and young person has the right to receive pedagogical support for their growth and cultural development. The aim of the teaching is that all the players learn the songs to be played together well. However, the development of playing technology is not the most important of the goals, but the fact that the child attends rehearsals and is rooted in community hobbies with other children. Tempo teaching is based on certain principles that have been found to be important in practice: Functional teaching facilities Tempo teachers work as a team with a unified vision The undertone of teaching is considered relaxed and encouraging There is little progress The repertoire is mainly based on children's songs, melodies of classical and light music and folk music Music is performed acoustically with the exception of digital piano accompaniment The orchestra performs “often and boldly” Teaching characteristics: Let’s start playing in one of the traditional orchestral arrangements right away Orchestral songs are rehearsed in their own playing lessons Spring teaching uses fingertip finger straps and a spring cushion pad as aids Teaching takes place in connection with the school day, when the Tempo teacher is in active interaction with the school community The musicality of the players is not tested Many of the callers have an immigrant background

  • TempoMusic-nuotisto | Sistema

    TempoMusic- nuotisto TempoMusic-nuotisto sisältää keskeistä Tempo-orkestereissa soitettavaa ohjelmistoa. Nuottimateriaalien runkona toimii tasolta toiselle etenevät esitysvihkot joiden lisäksi nuotistosta löytyy myös muita Tempo-orkesterille sopivia kappaleita ja lauluja. Nuotistoon NUOTISTO TempoMusic-nuotisto Nuottimateriaali on vihkomuodossa DINOMIX DINOMIX-nuottivihkot Viulu Alttoviulu Sello Kontrabasso Piano ​ På Svenska Fiol Altfiol Cello Kontrabas Piano TempoMusic 1 Viulu Alttoviulu Sello Kontrabasso Säestys ​ TempoMusic 2 WIP

  • TempoStart-aloituspaketti | Sistema

    TempoStart-aloituspaketti TempoStart-aloituspaketin tarkoituksena on auttaa uuden Tempo-orkesterin käynnistämisessä. Kokonaisuus sisältää keskeisiä aloitukseen liittyviä asioita sekä käytännöllisiä ohjeita ja apuvälineitä Tempo-opettajille jouhevan aloituksen tueksi. Lataa aloituspaketti

  • Liity jäseneksi | Sistema

    Liity jäseneksi Varsinainen jäsenyys € 50 50€ Every year Varsinaisille jäsenille, yksityishenkilöt ja organisaatiot Select Liity varsinaiseksi jäseneksi, äänioikeus yhdistyksessä 50e vuodessa yksityisille 50-250e vuodessa organisaatiolle Maksu tilille: FI05 1400 3000 1156 16 El Sistema Finland ry viesti: 2024 jäsenmaksu Kannatusjäsenyys € 25 25€ Every year Kannatusjäsenyys, yksityishenkilöt ja organisaatiot Select Läsnäolo- ja puheoikeus tapahtumissa 25-2500 e vuodessa Maksu tilille: FI05 1400 3000 1156 16 El Sistema Finland ry viesti: 2024 jäsenmaksu Kannatusjäsenyys € 10 10€ Every year Alennusryhmät (opiskelijat, työttömät ja eläkeläiset jne) Select kannatusjäsenyys 10 euroa vuodessa alennusryhmille Maksu tilille: FI05 1400 3000 1156 16 El Sistema Finland ry viesti: 2024 jäsenmaksu

  • Tempo-opas | Sistema

    Tempo-opas on tarkoitettu kaikille Tempo-orkesteritoiminnasta kiinnostuneille. Opas kokoaa yhteen Tempo-orkesterin taustoja, tavoitteita ja toimintatapoja. Lisäksi se tarjoaa käytännönläheisiä vinkkejä mukana oleville sidosryhmille kuten toiminnan järjestäjille, Tempo-opettajille sekä soittajien vanhemmille. Tempo-opas Lataa Tempo-opas

  • Instrument collection | Sistema

    Musical instrument collection Tempo orchestras will gratefully receive string instruments that will be refurbished for use by children’s orchestras. There is also a need for other instrument accessories such as instrument cases and music stands. Musical instruments can be donated to local activities In Oulu: In Vantaa: By contacting Juha Ahvenainen, Executive Director of Vantaa email: soitinkeräys

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