Tempo orchestras
is it
Tempo is a low-threshold music hobby activity that aims to provide all children with the opportunity to play music equally and without entrance exams. Tempo wants to bring the opportunity to practice music and learn instruments close to children. The best way to do this is to take the hobby opportunity to schools and to school afternoon activities.
Tempo's activities have been inspired by the activities of El Sistema, which has spread worldwide from Venezuela, but its operating model has been adapted to Finnish society. The starting points of the activity are communal and social, but at the same time high quality in terms of music education.
Tempo Vantaa
Tempo activities began in autumn 2009 as part of Vantaa's “Whole World in the Suburbs” project, which aimed to increase the interaction between immigrants and the native population in the immigrant-dense areas of Koivukylä and Länsimäki. At the end of the project, the Tempo orchestra activity was seen as so good that it was decided to continue it. Today, Tempo activities in Vantaa have become an established part of the music college's activities in cooperation with schools.
There are no entrance exams to the orchestras and both teaching and instruments are free for students. Teaching includes two orchestral rehearsals and a 15-minute solo lesson during the week. Orchestral rehearsals are held after the school day. My own lesson is usually held during the school day. Currently, the Tempo orchestras have a total of about 130 players.
More about Vantaa's Tempo activities:
Tempo Oulu
In Oulu, Tempo activities started in the spring of 2018 at the Kaukovainio school and in the autumn of 2018 at the Paulaharju school at the Tempo museum clubs. Tempo music workshop clubs introduce the various elements of music functionally and in a variety of ways, while preparing students for orchestral activities.
With the musical instrument collection campaign launched in the summer of 2018, musical instruments will be collected to start children's orchestra activities in Kaukovainio and Pauharju. The launch of the instrument collection campaign was a huge success, and during the summer we already donated more than 40 instruments to the Tempo activity! The instruments are still being refurbished and have already been introduced in museum groups at the Kaukovainio school. The instrument collection campaign continues and we are still collecting appropriately sized instruments for orchestras.
In Oulu, Tempo activities are carried out in cooperation with many parties. In Oulu, teaching activities are directed through Oulu College and co-operation is established with Oamk, ODL and the University of Oulu's music education training. Tempo Sistema Oulu ry. responsible for co-ordinating, developing and lending instruments. The Valve Cultural Center has provided strong guidance for starting operations. The Oulu Conservatory and the Oulu Sinfonia, among others, have also shown their support for the activities.
More about Oulu's Tempo activities:
Tempo Oulu
In Oulu, Tempo activities started in the spring of 2018 at the Kaukovainio school and in the autumn of 2018 at the Paulaharju school at the Tempo museum clubs. Tempo music workshop clubs introduce the various elements of music functionally and in a variety of ways, while preparing students for orchestral activities.
With the musical instrument collection campaign launched in the summer of 2018, musical instruments will be collected to start children's orchestra activities in Kaukovainio and Pauharju. The launch of the instrument collection campaign was a huge success, and during the summer we already donated more than 40 instruments to the Tempo activity! The instruments are still being refurbished and have already been introduced in museum groups at the Kaukovainio school. The instrument collection campaign continues and we are still collecting appropriately sized instruments for orchestras.
In Oulu, Tempo activities are carried out in cooperation with many parties. In Oulu, teaching activities are directed through Oulu College and co-operation is established with Oamk, ODL and the University of Oulu's music education training. Tempo Sistema Oulu ry. responsible for co-ordinating, developing and lending instruments. The Valve Cultural Center has provided strong guidance for starting operations. The Oulu Conservatory and the Oulu Sinfonia, among others, have also shown their support for the activities.
More about Oulu's Tempo activities:
is it
The Tempo Orchestra is a communal hobby, the starting point of which has been to strengthen the mutual partnership of children from many backgrounds through playing together. Schools have been selected for activities in areas where low-threshold recreational opportunities are needed. Over the years, Tempo has proven to be an “orchestra for every child” that everyone can easily access, regardless of background. The impact of the tempo orchestra hobby on the development of student friendships has been significant. Participating in a tempo orchestra has clearly strengthened students ’social interaction skills as well as motivation to go to school.
Tempo promotes children's well-being through music and develops life skills such as concentration, attentiveness, self-confidence and the consideration and appreciation of others. The importance of schools as a learning environment for social skills is central to our society. The group dynamics created by collective play promote equality and attachment to the school community.
Tempo is guided by the idea that every child and young person has the right to receive pedagogical support for their growth and cultural development. The aim of the teaching is that all the players learn the songs to be played together well. However, the development of playing technology is not the most important of the goals, but the fact that the child attends rehearsals and is rooted in community hobbies with other children.
Tempo teaching is based on certain principles that have been found to be important in practice:
Functional teaching facilities
Tempo teachers work as a team with a unified vision
The undertone of teaching is considered relaxed and encouraging
There is little progress
The repertoire is mainly based on children's songs, melodies of classical and light music and folk music
Music is performed acoustically with the exception of digital piano accompaniment The orchestra performs “often and boldly”
Teaching characteristics:
Let’s start playing in one of the traditional orchestral arrangements right away
Orchestral songs are rehearsed in their own playing lessons
Spring teaching uses fingertip finger straps and a spring cushion pad as aids
Teaching takes place in connection with the school day, when the Tempo teacher is in active interaction with the school community
The musicality of the players is not tested
Many of the callers have an immigrant background